Monday, November 24, 2014

George Barwood's BS!

This "idiot," and I use that term to the MAX when pertaining to what this idiot has written about this case in his groups and in his long rambling posts about this case, doesn't know what he is talking about.

It DOES NOT MATTER IN THIS CASE if TA had a billion porn hits on his PC or not.  People need to look at the evidence in this case.  Hodi didn't plan and murder TA due to him being into pornographic material or not.  IMO, Porn of any kind would NOT have been the evidence that would have been crucial to have had the first jury let Hodi walk away from a lessor charge than First Degree Murder, as the defense is trying to claim in their constant rants of accusing JM of misconduct.

  Hodi was into porn herself!  (When the $kank is pointing her finger at TA, there are three more of her own fingers pointing right back at her.)  Hodi lied about the "porn pic" of the male's lower part being TA's.  Does anyone know whether or not that porn picture belonged to a male MINOR?  It wasn't the lower part of TA.  Is it JA, herself, that is not only into "porn" but might also be portraying her own fetish of child pornography onto TA?  TA wasn't the one that destroyed his PC.  JA destroyed hers.  A lot of us have seen and heard the evidence about HER!  That evidence is backed with FACTS, not lies or "allegations."   

JM handed over the HD to the defense team when they asked for it years ago.  It was handed over again.  Twice, and from what I read, as Hodi was "allegedly" representing herself both times.  Going by what I've read, it doesn't look like neither of Hodi's defense teams, before and now, took precautions to preserve the HD so that the State could examine it properly at any date.  

TA stated that Hodi hacked into his PC.  We know that she sneaked into his home, had access to his PC, when he wasn't even at home.  Jodi had ample opportunity of putting porn on that HD, numerous times!  I find it "shady" that no porn was stated to have been found on TA's PC prior to his meeting Hodi and her welcoming herself into his home, his PC, his private business, at any given time that she wanted to.  

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