Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Leak of juror identities can't be pinpointed By: 12News Connecting AZ

This is some BS!  jodi arias's confidant, SJ, at jodiariasisinnocent.com posted 11 of the jurors information right after the announcement of the second sentencing phase.  Juror #17's information was left off of that list because SJ KNEW that Juror #17 was the hold out.  

BEFORE the second sentencing phase was even over with a ja supporter stated that he(possibly a she using a male's name on FB) had been watching the jurors online.  HOW did that ja supporter know who to watch online since only certain parties of the court were supposed to have the 12 jurors information???   Who gave that ja supporter the jurors names BEFORE 11 of the jurors names appeared on jodiariasisinnocent.com?  That ja supporter didn't get it off of the website jodiariasisinnocent.com when it stated it was watching the jurors.

FB keeps records of who makes accounts.  Even if Jay Bass deleted his/her account, FB would have a record of who opened that account.  FB also keeps record of what type of pc, phone, etc...is used when signing onto a FB account.  IF AZ really wanted to get to the bottom of who it was that leaked the jurors information out, it's my opinion that they could do it!  This is being swept under the rug...like a lot of shady BS that ja and her camp have gotten away with doing!  

  Posted on this blog:

Sunday, January 18, 2015

ja supporter is claiming that he has screenshots of jurors using social media discussing this case.



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