Saturday, January 31, 2015

Words of Allie "Alexander" Iglesias TA's baby sister. By: UTTUMT

Let's also remember young Allie Alexander (now Iglesias) in every prayer for comfort and peace, during this sentencing phase

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A discussion about ja, her DT, and the witnesses that were NOT called to take the stand.

  • Commenter 1 If the DT read the law, the ABA code they are SUPPOSED to follow, they could be held reliable, sued, for slandering an innocent man by taking the word(without proof) of $kank(their client.) Actually, by them repeatedly questioning and leading $kank's testimony that was full of lies, they could possibly even be disbarred.

  • Commenter 1 Here it is: Witnesses who are not the lawyer’s client
    In a civil or criminal trial, if the witness who intends to give false testimony is not the attorney’s client, the attorney is duty-bound not to call that witness. No matter how much the atto
    rney’s client wants that person to testify, the lawyer can just say no.
    Witnesses who are criminal defendants
    But what happens when the witness is the defendant himself in a criminal case? In a criminal trial, defendants have the absolute right to testify, even over their attorney’s objections. Because a lawyer cannot stop a client from getting on the stand and lying, many lawyers will move to withdraw from the case. But judges will want to know why the attorney is making this request, and here is where the attorney faces a difficult choice. Divulging his client’s plans may amount to a violation of the attorney-client privilege; but if the attorney refuses to give a reason for his request to withdraw, the court may not grant it.
    In such a situation, the attorney may be required to call the client to the stand, knowing he or she will lie. If this happens, the attorney must simply allow the client to testify in narrative fashion and not ask questions or otherwise guide or direct the testimony (this is the ABA “model rule”). That way, the attorney avoids participating in the perjured testimony.

  •  Commenter 1, Part one in the above I posted, means that Nurmi and Willmott chose not to call $kank's lying witnesses($kank didn't choose that. $kank wanted them to take the stand for she wanted MM to, but Nurmi and Willmott refused to call him and $kank's other witnesses to the stand because they knew his/their testimony(ies) would be pure lies...and they could get into serious trouble by calling him/them to the stand). Part 2 of this explains why Nurmi had kept trying to remove himself from this case. Nurmi knew that $kank's testimony was full of lies. Nurmi nor Willmott could use the method that JM did towards his witness: "Remember what you told me." That would violate the attorney-client privilege. He knew that $kank could take the stand regardless of his opinion on that. Nurmi and Willmott did wrong when they asked $kank questions when they knew that she was lying on the stand...instead of just letting her ramble on. They did question(guide) $kank to continue to lie to the jury. I think what would have to happen is that JM or the Alexanders will have to get charges pressed on $kank for perjury and from there go after Nurmi and Willmott for their roles in aiding $kank to commit perjury.
  •    Commenter 1, IMO, near the end of Geffner's testimony it must've FINALLY hit him that he was aiding in the      lies/perjury of the witnesses affidavits by the DT and he opted out...Hence saying he had no proof only the words of    $kank.
  •   Name hidden to protect the person: She was the sex addict, not him. He ended it. She would not be ignored.
  •   Commenter 1  True Name hidden to protect the person! A few nudes taken one day(the last day of TA's life taken  by $kank), ONE sexual phone message(recorded by $kank), possibly a few texts now and then over a period of  years, does not make TA a sex addict. One would have to take $kank's word(lies) to believe that TA was a sex addict.

Written by: Edie Morse

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Whilst we are in the midst of this farcical "final penalty re-trial"-- ("farcical" because JSS is not restricting JA & Co. to a mitigation case, as per the law; but instead, she is allowing them to exceed their brief and put on a fraudulent appellate case, replete with falsehoods, bogus "affidavits", and, perjurious trashing of the victim, the State, and everybody else who refuses to pay homage at the altar of the psycho-butcher's ego; and also, whilst tying Juan Martinez's "hands behind his back" by precluding prosecution witnesses from saying anything whatsoever to show Travis Alexander's kindness, decency & honesty, and also, prohibiting them from telling the truth about the convicted murderer's promiscuous sex-play used to manipulate men, and also, her sadistic-cum-narcissistic, vicious & dishonest nature)-- please keep in the back of your mind, that even in the event that this jury were to find for the Death Penalty, that JSS and JA & Co. have one more legal "Ace in the Hole" to play:-- i.e. the upcoming "Omnibus Hearing"... Inexplicably, there is a media blackout on this topic.
JA & Co. will stop at nothing to "game the system" via exploiting legal and illegal ways & means, including jury tampering, which they will undertake, imo, when and if they deem that the jurors are not falling for their unscrupulous BS... and, if JSS's constant coddling of the convicted killer is not "working" towards their collective aim:-- i.e. to aide-and-abet JA to avoid the DP. The public deserves answers, and as such, this letter has been sent to the authorities, to ask for what reason has Jodi Arias been allowed to attach herself to what is tantamount to a "Pretrial Hearing", and yet, she is not in any sort of "pretrial" status:--
Dear [Recipient],
The purpose of this letter is to request information related to the fact that the convicted murderer, Jodi Arias, has been allowed by Judge Sherry Stephens (JSS) and Judge Joseph Kreamer to attend an "Omnibus Hearing", which was originally intended to be a "Pretrial Hearing" for a pool of defendants, who are facing upcoming capital murder trials, but whose juries have not, as yet, been selected to hear their cases.
In the pursuit of justice, truth, and fairness, and most importantly, that right be done, for the victims & the public good, and also, in order to protect the public's constitutional rights to transparency and speed in the criminal trials overseen by our publically-elected judges in our criminal justice system, many conscientious citizens, including myself are very concerned that Jodi Arias' criminal trial has been allowed to run wild, and that the undue deference shown to this specific convicted murderer, by this particular judge, JSS, exceeds the reasonable boundaries of care & caution, which is unprecedented in other similar capital murder trials which are adjudicated over by highly competent judges in a more timely & less costly manner.
After all, Jodi Arias brutally slaughtered Travis Alexander, in such a cruel manner, as to inflict horrible pain and suffering to his person, while he was still alive. The initial jury unanimously found her guilty of 1st degree premeditated murder, with the aggravating factor of especial cruelty. Moreover, eight out of the 12 jurors found for the Death Penalty. The crime scene photos clearly show a terrible blood-bath which is far beyond, what might considered to be a typical "crime of passion", albeit still tragic & terrible, and yet, her murder was grotesque in its' savagery. In this case, the convicted murderer butchered a man to death, nearly decapitating him, and shot him in the head. This crime was heinous, depraved, and cruel.
In over a year-and-seven months, since the hung jury of the penalty phase, in May 2013, JSS entertained a series of secretive "ex-parte" meetings with Jodi Arias and her defense team. These "ex-parte" meetings resulted in delay after delay after delay, such that the final penalty re-trial did not begin on schedule as per the original July 18th, 2013 date; and also, a shroud of unconstitutional secrecy which then descended upon all of the trial proceedings created an atmosphere of suspicion because the convicted murderer kept maligning the victim on social media; bragging about her money-making schemes; and, claiming she had "bombshells" that would serve to overturn her conviction. Still, documents, hearings, and conferences remained secret & closed-- until the AZ Court of Appeals reminded JSS that in this country, the public's right to transparency cannot simply be trampled asunder because a cunning, manipulative psycho-killer-cum-pathological liar & her unethical defense team succeeded in manipulating a weak & incompetent judge into "gaming the system" on their behalf.
Jodi Arias, who wrongly enjoys a classification of "indigent", has stirred-up trouble ever since the sentencing phase began-- resulting in the manipulation of the Court to obtain unacceptable postponements, over and over and over again, all done "behind-closed-door", in secret. She threatened to have the prosecutor, Juan Martinez murdered, if she gets the Death Penalty. She has exploited her victim, Travis Alexander, in order to sell her junk-"art"; cheap paraphernalia; and, to ask for donations on the basis of her notoriety for having exterminated him. She hired Private Investigator, Dorian Bond, and tricked JSS into granting her a 2nd "Pro Se" (already have been given & turned down self-representation in August 2011), which she used to construct a fraudulent "computer porn" diversion to disrupt the trial proceedings, and also, to attempt to frame the prosecutor for "misconduct", when there was no proof of "porn" ever having been accessed by the dead victim, Travis Alexander, and no evidence of any misconduct and/or mishandling of evidence by the State.
By contrast, there is a great deal of evidence that Jodi Arias has committed fraud, time and time again:-- i.e. (a) manufacturing fake, forged pedophile letters in order to trash the victim; (b) sending coded messages to one of her criminal cohorts, in a magazine, asking him to lie for her; smuggling contraband in and out of jail via her so-called "mitigation specialist", Maria De La Rosa, who has been involved in shady dealings (e.g. tweeting for Jodi Arias; acting as her money-manager; etc.); (c) setting up false, perjurious witness testimony by hired-gun "experts" and false "affidavits" replete with lies. Now, we come to the point, nearing the end of January 2015, and there is no end in sight to this nightmarish final penalty re-trial. JSS precludes the State from presenting the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth, about all of Jodi Arias' many vicious schemes (e.g. manipulating her criminal cohorts into doing her "dirty work", her "Purple Plum" manipulation of handsome male customers, etc.); violent abuse (e.g. animal torture, beating her own brother with a baseball bat, etc).; and, her malicious stalking & harrassment of the victim (e.g. hacking into the victim's social media & bank accounts, and stealing his money, etc.)
Moreover, Jodi Arias is now shockingly allowed to jump on the "Omnibus Hearing" bandwagon, which seems to have been postponed until early May 2015. Does this mean that JSS will collude with Jodi Arias and her unethical defense (JA & Co.) team to "game the system" in order to delay the re-trial until then, perhaps even engineering such a disruptive re-trial (which it has been to-date:-- e.g. unconstitutional secrecy; rude & dishonest witnesses & false affidavits; diversionary delay tactics to drag the trial out indefinitely; etc.) such that jurors will be forced to drop out, triggering a mistrial? Is this kind of manipulation of our justice system by a biased & incompetent judge, JSS supporting JA & Co., to be “swept under the carpet”? Is there no sense that the manner in which this sentencing phase has been conducted is wrong, both ethically and legally too? These questions are cause for concern, and have not been addressed by the AZ Judiciary, nor the AZ Media, nor any AZ Defense Attorneys, and therefore, your honest assessment and informed feedback would be appreciated:--
1. On what basis has this "Omnibus Hearing" been granted to a pool of defendants charged with 1st degree premeditated murder? Is there a generic case to be made against the "Notice of the Death Penalty" filed by the State, or is each defendant's case being considered on its' own merits? Will the decision made by Judge Kreamer be a "blanket" decision applying to all of the defendants alike regardless of circumstance, or will each case incur a potentially different outcome? How does such a group decision comport with the State's legal right to pursue the Death Penalty as the maximum penalty for a 1st degree premeditated murder conviction?
2. Why has Jodi Arias, a convicted murderer, whose last jury unanimously found her guilty of 1st degree premeditated murder, and also, with an aggravating factor of "especial cruelty", and who is in the middle of a penalty trial to determine whether or not that she will get the Death Penalty, allowed to attach herself to the "Omnibus Hearing", i.e. a Pretrial Hearing? Jodi Arias' case is no longer "pretrial", by any definition of that term. If she can jump on the "Omnibus", then why not other defendants, who have already been sentenced to the DP, including Bryan Wayne Hulsey, for example?
3. Is it criminally fraudulent for a judge, JSS, to mislead citizens impanelled as jurors, who in good faith are doing their duty, and believe that they are deciding upon the fate of the convicted murderer, Jodi Arias, but who are unaware that the "rug might be pulled out" from underneath their decision via the "Omnibus" Vehicle? Any "Omnibus Hearing" should take place prior to trial, not after a jury has been called to decide upon the DP or Life! Why would any judge ask a jury to make such a sacrifice (i.e. Skank's final penalty re-trial was supposed to be concluded by the end of December, 2014, so said JSS-- but now, it is being dragged out by JA & Co. until the end of February, and perhaps beyond), when the judge, Judge Sherry Stephens (JSS), has allowed the convicted murderer to "game the system" by jumping on the "Omnibus"? Shouldn't the jury be advised that Jodi Arias is riding the "Omnibus" in the hope that the DP will be taken "off-the-table"? The jury appears to be laboring under false pretenses, as JSS engineers the ways-and-means for JA & Co. to avoid the DP.
4. When will the over 120 sealed documents; the transcripts from the many sealed hearings; and, the transcripts from the numerous inappropriate "ex-parte" meetings be made public? Within these unconstitutionally secret documents are the discussions which have transpired between this incompetent, biased, and corrupt judge, JSS, and JA & Co., which may cast light upon the rationale (and, the manipulations) which took place, leading JSS to manoeuver Jodi Arias to the "Omnibus Hearing." And, if it is found that JSS actually colluded with JA & Co. in order to "game" the trial proceedings, to be delayed for over a year-and-seven-months, from the hung jury, in May 2013, in order to enable the convicted murderer to avoid the Death Penalty, and to steer her to this "Omnibus Hearing", then JSS may be in direct violation of the law, as well as having violated her oath of office, and the public trust. Already, JSS has demonstrated that she is all too ready & willing to violate the US Constitution, the AZ Victims' Bill of Rights, the AZ Judicial Code of Conduct, and the AZ Legal Statutes governing the Disclosure of Witnesses by the Defendant to the State, in undue deference towards Jodi Arias. What other laws might have been violated by JSS?
5. What is the nature of the relationship between the AZ Media & the AZ Judiciary, particularly in AZ Maricopa County? Why have JSS's many serious infractions of the law gone un-reported? Why is JSS allowed to let JA & Co. run-amok, without any serious investigative reporting taking place? Why has JSS's special treatment & unbelievable favoritism towards the convicted murderer been "swept under the carpet"? Why is it that the State is pummeled by the press reporters, but that gross negligence (e.g. lack of courtroom decorum; allowing defense attorneys to filibuster & disrupt the trial proceedings; delays without precedent for a penalty re-trial; etc.); blatant incompetence (e.g. inability to rule in a timely manner; allowing the defense team to commit perjury & fraud including, but not restricted to, trashing the victim with uncorroborated lies; etc.); and, criminal wrongdoing by the judge (e.g. many inappropriate "ex-parte" meetings with convicted killer; unconstitutional secrecy; violation of the AZ Victims' Bill of Rights; etc.), JSS, are all simply glossed over and excused with no expectation of public accountability? Why is this "Omnibus Hearing" such a big secret?
When referring to our justice system, the great U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wisely observed:-- "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman." Without the light of public scrutiny, and, without the media reporting upon what is taking place in this trial, and others too... and, without our publically-elected officials held accountable for their actions, including JSS, in the AZ Maricopa County Superior Court... our criminal justice system is being corrupted before our very eyes, as we watch this nightmarish re-trial unfold. It's not always the new lie revealed in the courtroom that counts-- but also, the “gaming-of-the-system” by setting the plot-line, down-the-road, like this exploitation by JSS and JA & Co. of this mysterious "Omnibus Hearing." Is this right?
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Edie Morse
Attachment:-- The “Omnibus” for One, For All?
AZ Governor, AZ Legislators
AZ Judiciary, AZ Commission on Judicial Conduct
AZ State Attorney, AZ Maricopa County Attorneys
AZ Media, AZ Media Attorney

Justice Delayed Is Not Justice Denied. Is it almost over with?

When will this retrial of the sentencing phase be over with?  

Last week, Juan Martinez, the Prosecuting Attorney for "The State of Arizona," finally got a chance to start calling some of his witnesses, for the State, to the stand.  All of the witnesses did a great job exposing the lies of ja and some of her witnesses.  Juan Martinez will be continuing to call more witnesses for "The State of Arizona" in the upcoming week.  Hopefully, without numerous side bars, delays, and Motions being filed by the DT, Juan will be able to rest his case by the end of this coming week or at least by the beginning of the week following this coming week.  After Juan rests his case, there are no more witnesses to be called by either side, no more delays, and no more Motions filed, then ja will give her allocation, liar's statement.   After ja gives her allocation, liar's statement, where she'll again stand before the jury and tell them why she thinks they should spare her life, the jury will deliberate (hopefully for a short time), and this retrial of the sentencing phase will be over with.  Judge SS has allowed the media one cam inside of the courtroom during testimony of all of the witnesses except for when ja took the stand in "secrecy."  The media is supposed to be allowed to air that footage shortly after the jury comes back with their decision.  

There has been different members of the press and trial watchers, both, that have been keeping the public up-to-date about everything such as what is being said inside of the courtroom (when the media and the public are allowed to be present), down to what certain people inside of the courtroom are wearing.   Judge SS has allowed the public and the media to take "still pics" inside of the courtroom.  (Hence, the up-to-date pictures of the State's team and witnesses, to ja, her DT, and other members on her side.  

This retrial of the sentencing phase was NOT what is expected of a retrial of a sentencing phase.  For those of us that have kept up on it(still are) we heard/read everything from "porn evidence" that had nothing to do with why ja murdered TA, to it appearing like the DT was trying to put on a whole new trial for their client.  A lot of trial watchers and the media were "lost" for awhile because we weren't sure, some of us still aren't sure,  why Judge SS's was allowing the DT to drag their feet and put things in there that had nothing to do with a mitigating factor for ja.  

I came to my own conclusion sometime ago that ja doesn't have any mitigating factors.  It's my opinion that ja and her DT were, and will try again, to  delay the inevitable.  Either way, if the jury comes back with sentencing ja to LWOP or the DP, ja will be going to prison where she'll live until she dies in there.  If this new jury still can't decide after deliberating then it'll be up to Judge SS to hand down ja's sentence.  If Judge SS has to hand down ja's sentence, I think that Judge SS will sentence ja to LWOP.  I believe that this time around that the jury will come back with the DP for ja.  If Judge SS's explains clearly to them the law and the jury instructions, I can't see them coming back with a verdict of anything other than the DP.  

I think that this retrial of the sentencing phase will be over with by the middle or the end of the week following next week.  I pray so.  The victim's family, the Alexanders and the Sorensons have been put through enough.  It's long past time that ja gets what she deserves...which is being sent to prison to live the remainder of her life there, whether it be short or long.


Michael Stone description of What Traits make up Psychopath or Evil Person

ja is an Evil Person

Jan. 28, 2015 BISHOP PARKER TOOK THE STAND TODAY & PROVED Marc McGee LIED!!! By: Kim Lapara David

BISHOP PARKER TOOK THE STAND TODAY & PROVED Marc McGee LIED!!! Here are some of the transcripts. Wish we could have seen Jodi's face.
Bishop Parker says there was a computer at his house. Family never saw Travis on the computer.
Bishop's family members never saw Travis Alexander use their computer in the living room.
Juan- During time TA was living there did ever use computer? P-I didn't see him use it and no one in my family saw him use it 
Bishop discusses Witness 1 & his online relationship with a female.
Parker knew Witness #1 in 1999 and Wit #1 met a woman online. They had an online relationship
The woman traveled to Riverside to meet Witness #1
Witness 1's online girlfriend lived w/Bishop. Bishop says he would not have allowed that if another male was living there.
She came to stay late Nov/Dec 2000
MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15 36s37 seconds ago
Bishop Parker witness#1's online GF also lived w/him after parents asked 4a safe place 4her 2stay 12/2000
Witness 1 would come visit girlfriend at Bishop's house & had permission to use Bishop's computer.
Alexander was not living in the house when witness 1 was there to visit the girl he thought he might marry. Witness 1 used the computer.
Witness #1 had Parker's permission to use the computer TA wasn't living there at that time
Bishop can't recall exact employment but remembers Witness 1 worked with computers.
Witness 1's girlfriend lived with Bishop until marriage. Less than 5 months.
Witness #1 was very familiar with computers according to Bishop
Parker tells jurors witness#1 knew his way around computers
Aha so it was non-witness witness #1 who had access to the Bishops PC says Bishop. Travis never seen use it by him or his family
Bishop said Witness 1 came over almost every day.

Kim Lapara David   

Administrator of the Facebook Group: Jodi Arias is a Psychopath..NOTHING ELSE!

Jodi Arias: Magic underwear, jury questions, and star State witness sink defense By: Examiner

Jodi Arias: Magic underwear, jury questions, and star State witness sink defense

Det. Flores By: UTTUMT


"It was just an exemplary piece of detective work.I told Flores that he did an incredible job. The fact that he was able to continue to lock in to different stories and show the madness that went on in her mind in reference to making up things I think was brilliant.

I told the victim's family that we were proud to honorably represent what had occurred. They were very complimentary of the work of the Mesa Police Department and especially Flores. That work led to statements from Jodi like this one from her 2008 interrogation: "If I had it in me anywhere to kill him, the least I could have done was make it was humane as possible or quick or something."
- Frank Milstead [Chief of the City of Mesa Police Department]

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UPDATE: Omnibus Hearing to Dismiss the DP. Posted by: UTTUMT

UPDATE : Omnibus Hearing to Dismiss the Death Penalty - the Cause Close to Kirk Nurmi's Heart which He Wants Killer Arias to be the Recipient of, Delayed due to Lack of Preparation by the Defense Attorney of Killer Macario Lopez, Jr. [Also See :]

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Back at the JA camp they are beginning to beg Posted by: JMPSP

Back at the JA camp they are beginning to beg:

Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support Page

Facebook Page Link:

Picture of Deanna Reid on the witness stand last Wednesday...TA's first love. Credit to: JMPSP and Mark Henle

Deanna Reid testifying Wednesday.
photo: Mark Henle

Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support Page

Facebook Page Link:


Once Jodi Arias is sentenced, footage of the sentencing phase will be relayed for viewers who will finally be able to see video of what took place in court

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New Murderbillia being sold by a ja supporter that claims this is ja's artwork. ja Updates@ Twitter

Look at the bottom right hand corner in the next three pictures below.  That symbol is generated by a PC, not by whomever had drawn the pictures.  BUSTED!!!       

One of ja's supporters speaks nastily about Det. Flores son passing away.

Det. Flores, the man that sat at the prosecutor's table next to JM, faithfully, during court since court began, 15 year old son died due to an accident last weekend.  Tony was Det. Flores only son.  

God bless the Flores family. They are in my prayers.  I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.

ALL loving parents know that there is nothing worse than losing a child...especially losing a child suddenly, without having the chance to tell that child one last time the words "I love you."    

Instead of one of ja supporters keeping her nasty comments to herself, she wasted no time getting on Twitter to make the comment below in the screen shot:

Estella Smith is one of the top ja supporters.  Estella has stated that she has driven from another State to visit with ja.  Talk about straight up TRASH!  It's one thing to support a cold blooded murderer, but it's another thing to make the comment that she did.  You can see the "morals, heart, and respect" that Estella Smith DOESN'T have.



Deanna, Abe, The Defense rested their case, ja will NOT testify By: UTTUMT

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Friday, January 30, 2015

ja supporters: Complete denial about ja. By: UTTUMT

THOUGHT : The problem with those who support Jodi Arias, is that they are in COMPLETE denial of the main and fundamental reason the rest of the world currently knows her name

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"It was just an exemplary piece of detective work.I told Flores that he did an incredible job. The fact that he was able to continue to lock in to different stories and show the madness that went on in her mind in reference to making up things I think was brilliant.
I told the victim's family that we were proud to honorably represent what had occurred. They were very complimentary of the work of the Mesa Police Department and especially Flores. That work led to statements from Jodi like this one from her 2008 interrogation: "If I had it in me anywhere to kill him, the least I could have done was make it was humane as possible or quick or something."
- Frank Milstead [Chief of the City of Mesa Police Department]

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