Monday, January 25, 2016

Comments from around the World about lefty the wanna be

Lefty has said and done the most nauseating things trying to get his five minutes of fame.  He's a bottom feeder.  

My opinion is that mr. nobody,  lefty, saw all of the attention that the ja case got and knowing there was no inlet for him to stand out amongst the thousands of TA supporters that he jumped on the hodi worshippers wagon to try and get his five minutes of fame.  I believe that lefty believes that he's smarter than most of ja's worshippers and that he's preying on them by acting like he's a celebrity, rapper, someone he feels stands out, to promote himself.   He's using them and they're not smart enough to realize it.  

Lefty hasn't been any long time ja supporter and hasn't corresponded with her on a regular basis for years.  Don't believe that he's a fraud?  Ask him to produce proof of his long time regular support for ja.  Even the letter that one of ja's supporters posted where she mentions lefty's crap song wasn't addressed to lefty, himself lol.  Lefty came into this at the tail end.  

People are in an uproar over lefty, a internet troll and bottom feeder, allegedly getting an invite on dr. phil's show that TA's family member, good friends of TA's, and Juan Martinez will be going on.  

If hefty lefty thinks he's a celebrity after the nasty, hateful, racist, BS that he's vomited online...he's NOT.  

Go here to read a lot of those comments.

48 Hours Picture Perfect - The Trial of Jodi Arias Full Documentary

Good video.  It really shows what a liar that IT is.  Watch how easy lying comes to the murderer.  It's been one lie after another and IT never stopped.      

48 Hours Picture Perfect - The Trial of Jodi Arias Full Documentary

TheSerialKillerLibrary Official
Published on Aug 7, 2015
48 Hours follows the trial of Jodi Arias who is accused of murdering her former boyfriend Travis Alexander who was found stabbed to death in his Arizona home. Jodi claims in an exclusive interview that she is innocent, but later her defense team claims that it was self-defense and that she was a victim of domestic violence.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Kareem is the culprit that taunted the Alexanders at the Courthouse


The video of Kareem taunting the Alexanders after the verdict was read.  He yelled, "go jodi," in the presence of the Alexanders.

Kareem aka Lefty's Racism EXPOSED!

No one likes RACISTS Kareem!  

Lefty aka Kareem and his hating on women

Some idiots have their nerve!  Lefty, aka Kareem, keeps showing his true colors and his true intentions.  He said he's "keeping it real."  Not hardly.  

Imagine this person claiming to be against Domestic Violence but spewed the hate and lies about women below.