Saturday, January 31, 2015

One of ja's supporters speaks nastily about Det. Flores son passing away.

Det. Flores, the man that sat at the prosecutor's table next to JM, faithfully, during court since court began, 15 year old son died due to an accident last weekend.  Tony was Det. Flores only son.  

God bless the Flores family. They are in my prayers.  I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.

ALL loving parents know that there is nothing worse than losing a child...especially losing a child suddenly, without having the chance to tell that child one last time the words "I love you."    

Instead of one of ja supporters keeping her nasty comments to herself, she wasted no time getting on Twitter to make the comment below in the screen shot:

Estella Smith is one of the top ja supporters.  Estella has stated that she has driven from another State to visit with ja.  Talk about straight up TRASH!  It's one thing to support a cold blooded murderer, but it's another thing to make the comment that she did.  You can see the "morals, heart, and respect" that Estella Smith DOESN'T have.



1 comment:

Boof said...

I bet anything both Estella Smith and Jodi Arias are alike. Estella has just proved it with her stupidity and scum way of talking badly about Esteban Flores. Detective Flores was an absolute patient angel with Psychopath Jodi. Jodi should have got the death penalty no doubt about it.

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