So called mitigation factors.
Let me go down the list of "mitigating factors" listed here:
1. Jodi was NOT a child or under 18 years old (she wasn't even under the age of 21 years old) when she planned, carried out murder in the First Degree, and tried to cover up her crime. She knew exactly what she was doing.
2. There are a lot of murderers that had never had a criminal history but have committed murder. There are still murderers out there that have no criminal history that haven't been caught yet.
3. All murderers, past and present, have relatives and at least one person that says they are a good "friend, sister, aunt, etc..." Jodi Arias was Travis Alexander's friend and look just how good of a friend she was to him! She stabbed him 29 times, cut his throat, and shot him. There were people that said Ted Bundy was a good guy...look at all of the lives he took.
4. Lacked support from her family. At the time she committed First Degree Murder Jodi Arias was living with her family, her grandparents. Her family did attend her trial. It was Jodi Arias that shamed her family. It was Jodi Arias that stated during her sentencing phase of the trial, that she wanted to live for them...and she pointed at her family. She lacked supporting her family, not the other way around.
5. Jodi Arias said that she was hit with a wooden spoon as a child. There was no one that testified that she was ever abused, as a child or by Travis Alexander. I wouldn't call being whipped on the ass with a wooden spoon as being abuse. If that is the case then there are many of us that suffered greater abuse as children. The question would be: Does being whipped as a child give all of us the legal Right to plan and carry out First Degree Murder of an EX? She said that she was neglected as a child. Jodi Arias's was not the only child that her parents had. In the minds of narcissist people, if the World doesn't revolve around them, they consider anyone that doesn't cater to their every whim, as being neglectful to them. Jodi Arias has a narcissistic personality. She is a textbook case of being a narcissist. Look at this blog for instance...she's behind bars and she's still trying to make everything about her.
6-7-8. Jodi Arias did not try to make the best out of life, try to improve herself, and she was/isn't an artist. When Jodi Arias met Travis Alexander she was living with another man and his child. She didn't have a high school education. She was not an artist or a photographer as her websites claim that she was/is. Jodi Arias was working as a waitress, bouncing from job to job. Jodi Arias NEVER lived on her own and had to pay for her own way in life. It wasn't until Jodi Arias was arrested for the murder of Travis Alexander that after years of setting behind bars that she started selling what some are calling her artwork. It has yet to be proven that Jodi Arias actually made any of the drawings that are being sold by her supporters. I know that a Twitter account is trying to pass off the Mandala work as Jodi Arias "original artwork" but it came from a book of Mandala drawings. A lot of people that are locked up for years learn to trace, draw, or have other inmates draw things for them. Should every murderer get leniency because they've become a jailhouse artist? John Wayne Gacy painted clowns. His being able to paint clowns and sell them didn't stop the jury from sentencing him to the death penalty.

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