Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jodi Arias Crime Scene Photos (GRAPHIC)

I have sat and watched a lot of Hodi's supporters do a tell all about why they support her and I have YET to see ANY of them say they support Hodi because they are anti-death penalty.  One would be able to find it more acceptable to "discuss" this case in a rationale way IF the opposing party, Team Tra$h/Hodi's Team, weren't always trying to convince everyone that:  she's innocent, she should be released some day, she should have a retrial of her guilty verdict, or that Travis Alexander deserved what Hodi did to him because they believe the lies that Hodi has told and continues to tell about Travis Alexander. 

Team Travis, along with the MAJORITY of people that have been following this case closely, can say why they want Hodi to get the Death Penalty and nothing less.  (Below are pictures of what Hodi did to Travis Alexander.)

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