Saturday, February 21, 2015



WOW...Geffner was caught changing the test results?  I wonder why he did that?  Sounds shady! 

Why would Geffner or someone on his team fill in the answers of the test for ja?  She's been allowed writing(drawing) utensils and paper.  Unless the test were given to her by phone, that doesn't make sense.  It didn't make sense that Geffner read the affidavits from ja's witnesses that mdl presented to ja's attorneys either, but he did it for the DT.  It makes a person wonder what Geffner wouldn't do for the DT.   

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Sue Halterman and ja's mother in court. By: UTTUMT

On day 21 of the Murder Trial of Jodi Arias, Arias put off Jurors with her smirks and callous attitude when being cross examined by Juan Martinez [] Her aunt Sue Allen Halterman, had something in her ear and was constantly whispering with her sister Sandy Arias. What was in her ear?

Why is ja's mother and aunt Sue talking and/or listening on a cellphone inside of the courtroom?  Who does that during the murder trial of their daughter/niece???  

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Details revealed over courtroom closure at Arias trial

Details revealed over courtroom closure at Arias trial

Friday, February 20, 2015

Reporter's Excerpt Transcript of The Secret Proceedings. By: JMPSP

Reporter's Excerpt Transcript of The Secret Proceedings. 

Credit To:  JMPSP




Credit To:  JMPSP


Did ja set up this Flickr Account named "travisalexander" on June 3, 2008 before she went to murder him?

The camera that TA purchased for his trip to Cancun:  

The "multiple" cameras used to upload the photos to the Flickr account that was made on June 3, 2008 by someone using the name travisalexander.  One camera model came out in 2005: 

The date shown below is of the actual date when the picture of TA was taken at Zion National Park(not when it was uploaded to Flickr.)  ja took ALL of the pictures that were uploaded to the Flickr account. 

The year the Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera came out that was used to upload some of the pictures to the Flickr account.

Look at the camera ja is holding...

Another Camera used to upload photos on the Flickr Account:

Look at "another" of ja's cameras...

Another Camera used to upload photos to the Flickr Account:

  Software used for the "generic" Digital Cam.  (I wonder if this software was found downloaded to TA's PC???


The date the Flickr Account was made.

The Flickr Account photos:

The dates the individual pictures were taken that were uploaded on June 3, 2008.

This is what I find "interesting" about this account.  Nowhere except for this account have I seen where Travis referred to himself as "Trav."  Whomever made this account named this picture:  Trav's Rockys.

This all looks very shady!  IMO, this is another trail that leads to ja premeditating the murder of TA.

Geffner proves that he's prejudiced against Mormons.

It looks to me like Goofner Geffner's career is going to go straight down the toilet after this trial is over with.  What kind of professional makes a statement like that???  He can call himself a professional, but his statement about ALL Mormons is just as ignorant as the comment that mdl made calling someone a "retard."  I wouldn't say that the DT picked professionals with "class."  They picked mouths that talk trash!     

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Photo Credit: Kim Lapara David

Kim Lapara David

Administrator of:  
Jodi Arias is a Psychopath..NOTHING ELSE!
(Facebook Group)

Jodi Arias sentencing retrial: Arias' mental health the focus of testimony By: Steve Krafft, FOX 10 News

Jodi Arias sentencing retrial: Arias' mental health the focus of testimony

Posted: Feb 18, 2015 6:36 PM ESTUpdated: Feb 18, 2015 7:52 PM EST

The manipulator, liar, and murderer is still playing a con game.  IMO, Geffner and Fonseca, the DTs hired guns, are being used as pawns in ja's game of manipulation and lying.  If Geffner really believes the BS that he spews...IMO, he should go back to school and learn something NEW...Get with the times!  IMO, LaV..., Geffner, and Fonseca, ALL need to get with the times.  Things have changed A LOT since they were in school, and so has people.  ja is NOT a victim.  ja creates victims.

Jodi Arias sentencing retrial: tense day of testimony By: Steve Krafft, FOX 10 News

Jodi Arias sentencing retrial: tense day of testimony

Posted: Feb 19, 2015 6:31 PM ESTUpdated: Feb 19, 2015 7:37 PM EST


The tone in the courtroom today was somber in the Jodi Arias trial. I guess another word to describe the mood would be just plain ‘boring’. Hardly ANY notes were taken by the jurors. Heck, they had a hard enough time trying to stay awake. Maybe that’s why they had the courtroom’s temperature FREEZING COLD as all the people in the gallery complained about. Brrrrr! That couldn’t be pleasant!
Called back to the stand today was the defense’s expert witness, Dr. Geffner. Much of the day Geffner spent trying to cancel out the previous testimony of the state’s star witness, Dr. Janeen DeMarte. Wow! To hear him tell it, she didn’t’ do a single thing right in her interviewing and testing Jodi. Oh that’s right! I keep forgetting that anybody who doesn’t agree with Nurmi or Wilmott is just not qualified to give an opinion because they would certainly always be wrong!
I guess the good news of the day is that although Geffner continued to play with his water cup, this time he didn’t knock his cup over and flood the desk of the witness stand.
It appears that the defense is going to call back everybody that they can to ‘get the last word in’ and let EVERYONE know that none of the state’s witnesses were worth a hoot! I don’t doubt that Geffner has 35 years under his belt called experience. But it would be ridiculous for me to try to argue that just because another expert is younger and has less years of experience that they are not qualified to test and interview Jodi Arias. Heck, even I could interview her and give a report that the jurors would absolutely love reading. Take ALL OF THE EVIDENCE and her confession and then I’m supposed to sit up and count ‘data points’ to say she had a right to murder Travis Alexander?
The FACTS are this. She murdered Travis in a rage and she planned it well ahead. If she couldn’t have Travis, she was going to make sure that nobody else could have him. She gave off many warning signals and apparently nobody picked up on them. I’m sure it’s hard to pick out a ‘vicious murderer’ from a group of friends who gather at each other’s houses all the time. She was a ticking time bomb and when her fuse would be lit would be anybody’s guess.
So I guess we are in for some really exciting days coming up in the trial from the defense. Who can’t wait for the darling of them all, Dr. Fornseca? She only answered a few of Juan’s questions and refused to interact with him and what was that name she called Juan? Oh yeah! ‘Slimy’. So we have that excitement to look forward to from another of the defense's witnesses. And then some computer witnesses will also testify. YAWN…….. Nobody has a clue how long the defense will keep them on the stand.
And thru all of this, the fact still remains that Travis Alexander is dead, murdered by their client, Jodi Arias!! She’s GUILTY! The manner in which she killed Travis was brutal!! She is not remorseful, she is sitting in the courtroom next to Maria DeLaRosa like they are having a slumber party and they continue to whisper in each other’s ears throughout the day!
There are two genuine good men sitting in that courtroom who are there to get the justice for Travis that he deserves. Juan Martinez and Det. Flores have a job to do. And they gave a pledge to Travis at the crime scene that justice would be served.
We may have to go thru a few more ‘characters’ before we reach a verdict. Repeats of their SAME testimony over and over again won’t change a thing … just causes more delays.
Oh yes, justice is coming Travis. Look who’s at the head of the line representing you. Two fine dedicated men and we stand right beside them.
Let the ‘repeaters’ come and go to testify for the defense. I do believe we’ve heard them all before. Nothing new…….and the fact still remains. Jodi Arias murdered Travis Alexander. And nothing will ever change that!
Graphic courtesy of Carolyn Hartley.


The Gold Patrol: The Smoking GUM

The Gold Patrol: The Smoking GUM


The true fact of the matter in the Jodi Arias murder trial is this: The defense can continue to call, and recall and then recall again and continue to recall witnesses for as long as the Honorable Judge Sherry Stephens continues to grant their request to do so. So far she has set no limits. The judge is the one that holds all of the authority in her courtroom. She should have set her standards high from the first day of trial. There isn’t an attorney on the face of this earth that isn’t going to push to see how far they can get with a judge. In the majority of all courts, they find out real fast what their limitations are. I seriously don’t know which party is most at fault with all of the delays and length of this trial…..the judge or the defense attorneys.
In NO WAY am I writing this to ‘bash’ either side in this trial. I’m giving you ‘my opinion’¬¬ from my experience from working for a judge for years and how the courts here in Texas are known for. There is a huge difference so that may be why I’m so astounded in the way this trial is being handled.
At first I thought maybe the laws of Arizona were just so different than the laws in Texas where I live. In working in the court system here and what I’m familiar with, I assumed all judges followed the same code of ethics. Our judges did NOT cut any slack in our courtrooms. The judge might go to lunch with his staff and even several attorneys on any given day, come to our home for dinner, go to city functions together, our kids grew up together and were in each other’s homes at all times, but when we stepped into the courtroom, everything changed. It was all business. And we knew it and we respected it.
I cringe to think how any or our judges from Brazoria County would handle Nurmi and/or Wilmott. This is NOT an article I’m writing to talk against any of the court officials or parties in this trial. I’m just telling you first hand that the actions in Judge Stephens’ court is not what I’m accustomed to.
The day that Maria DeLaRosa’s phone went off in open court, in the middle of the trial and being that she is a member of the defense team, her phone would have been taken by the bailiff IMMEDIATELY and given to the judge. It was one thing for someone in the gallery’s phone to go off ……that wasn’t pretty either. The phone was taken for the day and that person was reprimanded in front of the entire courtroom and then escorted out of the courtroom. But God forbid an attorney’s phone ring. That was the worst thing that could happen. In our court she would have been asked to stand up and the judge would have reprimanded her in a very harsh manner. As a court official, she above anybody knew to turn her phone off when in the courtroom. This was just simply unacceptable!! She may have been removed from the courtroom but the embarrassment and speech given to her in front of everyone else would be unforgettable. She would not get her phone back until the end of the day when court recessed for the day. I am just using this as one example of RESPECT for the court.
There would be NONE of the sitting together like Maria and Jodi do in court all day long, passing notes back and forth, whispering in each other’s ears while the trial was in session. When I say the judge DEMANDED respect in his courtroom, that’s exactly what I mean.
The sidebars that have become such a nuisance and almost automatic every few minutes in this trial, my judge would not be that generous. And just because one side or another requested a side bar, did not mean they were granted one. The judge would rule from the bench on almost every occurrence. You rarely ever saw a sidebar here. And the attorneys knew NOT to try and push their luck when the trial began.
And let me emphasize this to the extreme! There wouldn’t be an attorney within a gazillion miles of our courtroom that would get away with the disrespect that Nurmi has shown to the state’s witnesses. I sit here in SHOCK when I hear the tweets sent out and can visualize thru their comments just how rude and obnoxious he really has been to them. The way he treated Dr. DrMarte, as an example, would be a huge mistake on Nurmi’s part here in the Texas court. My judge would have called for a recess IMMEDIATELY and ORDER the attorneys into his chambers!!!! And you knew by his tone that he was not a happy Judge! He didn’t have to say anything as to ‘why’ he was doing this, it was obvious and we all knew why!
We had some of the highest profile trial attorneys hired by defendants in our county that would travel long distances to try these cases. They were legends in our eyes. Everyone fought to get a seat to see them try their case. They were that good. But the one thing they all had in common was this…....they showed the utmost respect in the courtroom and to the judge in the highest manner. Some of them were just good old country boys, wore cowboy boots and were instantly likeable. I never saw any of them disrespect an opposing counsel or treat an expert witness with disrespect. They were polite and respectful. Don’t get me wrong. They could get answers out of witnesses that were crucial to the case but they didn’t have to scream, yell, or talk ‘down’ to a witness.
I feel like this trial has become a run-away train without a conductor on it……..just running wild on the railroad tracks all by itself.
I could go on and on about examples of how Judge Stephens is running her court that is so different from the judges here. I have no doubt that she is doing the best to her ability to try to keep this trial under control. I can’t imagine her having to show up each day the trial is in session and have to deal with all of the chaos that is going on. We can name blame all we want to as to who is at fault for the length of this trial…..and we would all probably be right in a sense of the matter. It’s just too far gone, in my opinion.
And this leads us back once again to the patience of the Alexander family. They have had no say in how this trial is being handled. They have sat in silence and grace just like you are supposed to do in a court of law. They have caused no outburst or any trouble with anybody. All they want is to see Jodi Arias punished for the murder of their brother, Travis Alexander. I’m not speaking ‘for’ them but I would think they would like to know what really happened on that day that she murdered Travis. Stop it with all the lies and accusations against Travis! How is it that a ‘known’ liar and murderer get more rights in this trial than the victim’s family? She is the defendant and yes she has rights. But she has pushed her rights above and beyond what ANY defendant ever gets.
She is granted the right to testify in secret because she fears for her life? Are you serious? Then they say that all of her witnesses will not testify for fear of threats on their lives? They are no different than any other witnesses in any other trial. Testifying is always a gamble for anybody. The truth is, Jodi had nobody willing to stand up on her behalf. Not even one family member stepped forward to try and save her life. What does that say about Jodi? What does that say about her family? Just maybe there’s nothing ‘good’ to say about her. And maybe the REAL TRUTH is they do have fear alright……..but it’s because they know the brilliant prosecutor Juan Martinez will be cross-examining them.
You don’t have a right for the court to feel sorry for you because nobody will come forward for you and testify. You have no right for the court to try to continue to protect you and lean heavily in your favor leaving the prosecutor hanging out to dry. It’s like Martinez is trying the case with his hands tied behind his back. But he keeps trucking on!
It seems like a century ago that I first heard the name Travis Alexander. And I heard the story of how he died……not ‘WHY’ he died but the vicious way he was killed. And then we started seeing Jodi in all her glamour on TV telling her sweet side of the story. She was so easy to want to believe. She was good……really good in telling her tales of Travis’ murder.
Then we all went thru the first trial. And her 18 days on the stand and when she stepped down and was finally finished, there wasn’t a soul around that liked her. That is except for the jury Foreman and three others on the jury.
How in all of this chaos did people forget the real victim in all of this? How did Travis’ name get shuffled aside and hidden like it has been? How do you forget the photos that we have all seen of the horrible, horrific damage she did to Travis? How much rage has to be inside a human being to do that much damage? And most troubling to me, how do they turn the tables around, coming from the defense team, in trying to convince people that Travis deserved all of this? That he was so abusive to Jodi that she ‘snapped’ and lost control and then she went into that ‘fog’ that nobody else on earth seems to have ever witnessed or had it happen to them? Just because Jodi said so!
I feel the pain when Steven said….”I never want to hear the name or see the face of my brother’s murderer again.” This isn’t about you Jodi Arias……this was never about you being the victim. This is about a man who lost his life over what? Jealousy over another woman? Was that it? The fact that he absolutely wanted to end it with you for good?
We will never know the real truth because you will carry those facts with you to your grave. You will continue to play the victim, begging for sympathy from whomever you can get it from. You care about nobody but yourself.
We simply ask for one thing! In the end, when this trial is over, that Travis Alexander’s name is remembered in a positive way. For what he lived for and stood for in his short life.
We humbly ask for justice for Travis! We pray that this jury will bring justice to this man and in doing so they sentence Jodi to death.
God bless you Travis. Your life did matter.
JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS.......we are so close!


Day 37 "A Confirmatory Bias" Written By: Paul Sanders: The 13th Juror MD

The Jodi Arias Death Penalty Retrial: A Juror’s Perspective
by The 13th Juror MD

DAY 37

Each juror prepared for court after a week off in the Jodi Arias death penalty retrial. Every single juror anticipated coming in because it meant they were a step closer to deliberations. Many were happy that the prosecution had rested its case. All of them would feel like they have been on the trial forever. Their admonishment not to watch the news has been active since early October of last year. The air is getting the feel of spring with the temperatures in the low eighties. They keep their heads high but each is getting irritable. It is becoming a confined space in one’s own mind and the admonishment closes the walls around their sanity.
The other dynamic that captures a juror’s mind at this stage is the ever growing fear of becoming an alternate juror. I have no doubt upon their arrival in the jury room this morning, that they asked Janet what steps in the trial were next. Some would even have thought the case was over after the prosecution rested. A juror is not given a guide or a calendar of evidence or witnesses. They are not allowed to ask the court anything about the trial but they can ask procedural questions.
The first question asked would have been, “What’s next?” Janet would have explained that it is the sur-rebuttal segment where the defense can present witnesses. Some would have groaned quietly. The next question would have been regarding the selection of alternates. Janet would have explained that at the end of the case, there would be a lottery held with the first numbers selected at random as the chosen alternates. The alternate is an “on-call” status juror who keeps the same admonishment not to speak to anyone or see anything related to the case. It is a fate no juror wants. One is excluded from the world and from their fellow jurors.
I watched as the jurors were filed in and seated in their usual seats. I also watched their faces when Dr. Geffner was called to the stand. In a juror’s mind clock, they remember Dr. Geffner as being on the stand for two weeks. There is not one juror who was happy to see him. The jurors are restless and his past testimony had only aggravated it.
Dr. Geffner made got comfortable in his seat and smiled at the jury. He was dressed in a gray suit with a white shirt complimented by a conservative red and blacked striped tie. He looked toward Jennifer Willmott.
“Good morning,” she said crisply. She was wearing a tan and black colored business skirt suit and high heels.
“Good morning,” he answered. He looked eager and ready to go.
“How long have you been a psychologist?”
“Thirty-five years.”
“Do you include the time that you were a student?” Jennifer Willmott asked.
The Doctor looked toward the jury. “Only when I applied for my license.”
“So, were you considered a psychologist when you getting your degree?”
“Oh, no,” he answered.
“Let me ask you this. Can you even use the word psychologist while you are learning?”
“No. You cannot use the word until you are licensed,” the Doctor responded.
“Tell me. When was Dr. DeMarte licensed?”
“July of 2010.”
“Was she practicing for eight years?”
Again, Dr. Geffner looked toward the jury. He smiled. “No, she was not. That is completely unethical in this profession and it is a clear violation of the American Psychologist Association regulations. It is ‘Ethics 101’ that you cannot say the word psychologist in this profession without being licensed. The date in her ad shows that she has been practicing eight years but she was not licensed until 2010. That is a grievous violation of ethics,” he responded, concern in his salt and pepper bushy eyebrows.
Jennifer Willmott turned on her heel and marched to the defense table. She picked up a sizable pile of labeled documents and walked them to the judicial assistant to the left of the judge. She got some copies and walked over to Juan Martinez and held them out for him. Again, she turned on her heel and took position in front of Dr. Geffner after she gave her witness copies. Her right hand held the documents in mid-air as she continued her questioning. One could see the glitter reflecting on her blue polished fingernails.
“You gave a letter to Dr. DeMarte explaining how the DAPS test was done since she did not do this test. You explained how it was administered. Is that right?”
“There are things she needed to be aware of or should have been aware of?”
“Yes. It was in regards to the two traumas that I identified from the test results,” he answered.
“What were the two traumas?”
“The first trauma was the domestic violence that the defendant experienced and the second was the trauma of the murder,” he said as he looked at the jury. “I even had two notes on the document but they are ‘whited’ out.”
“So,” Jennifer Willmott pursued, “one of the traumas was the day of the killing. But, I thought Dr. DeMarte said the DAPS test could not be valid with two traumas. Is that not right?”
“Actually,” Dr. Geffner answered with a chuckle, “there can be a multitude of traumas. Consider her experience with child abuse and the trauma of domestic violence in her household.”
“Okay? What about in April of 2008 when Travis choked her? Do you remember Dr. DeMarte’s testimony?” Jennifer Willmott asked.
“Dr. DeMarte claims that Jodi stopped clawing at him in the middle of being choked and assaulted. Do you remember that?”
“Well, yes, I remember what she said,” he answered. “There’s nothing in the reports that indicate that happened.”
Jennifer Willmott nodded and changed the papers in her hand. “Dr. DeMarte also comments on the DAPS test saying that the emotions of a trauma should never change. She called it a static event. Do you remember that, Doctor?”
“Oh, yes,” he said with a laugh. “I disagree completely as my thirty five years of experience will tell you that, first of all, the emotions of a remembered event do, in fact, change over time. They adapt as the trauma gets further away. Second of all, you have to consider when you think about it now as opposed to what you thought about the event then. You will get varied results and responses.”
“Let me ask you this,” Willmott directed, another change in gears, “Are the results of the TSI and the results of the DAPS consistent with the defendant suffering from PTSD?”
“Oh, yes, all the testing shows she suffers from PTSD in the trauma of both events. Even the PDS test confirms that PTSD exists,” he explained to the jury.
“Okay, let’s review the Malingering test,” Jennifer Willmott said. She shuffled to a new document in her hand while Dr. Geffner followed suit. “What is the Malingering test?”
The Doctor looked at the jury again. It looked like it was going to be a long speech. The jury looked at him without any emotion on their faces. “You see, malingering is a purposeful adjustment by the person taking a test to alter their results by either faking good or faking bad. In some cases, a person taking the test may want to make themselves look crazy or make themselves look really sane, pretending to be something they are not. We have a test that checks consistency and can reveal malingering or embellishment of the truth, if you will.”
“In your assessment, did you see any sign of malingering?”
Dr. Geffner smiled affably. “Oh, no, absolutely not. I could not even trick these tests. That’s how good the malingering test is.”
Jennifer Willmott went to the podium, set down a couple of papers and came back, returning to her stance about five feet from the Doctor. “Let’s talk about sharing answers…”
She dove into a discussion with her witness on Dr. DeMarte sharing test results with Juan Martinez. It was certainly made to be a great violation in the profession’s code of ethics. A reasonable juror is certainly asking what other alternatives are available to communicate to the prosecutor of the case. Copyright laws are not a priority to this jury given they have victim who was stabbed twenty-nine times before further atrocities were committed. Its importance is trivial in comparison.
The return from lunch was marked with Jennifer Willmott spending time discussing the results of the MMPI with the defendant. Dr. Geffner and Willmott went into great deal about scales, sub-scales, clinical scales, computer profiles and interpretive results.
These test results revealed that Jodi Arias was submissive and scored well below average in hostility levels. Dr. Geffner emphasized that her explosive behavior attributes were significantly low and seething could not be an emotion the test results showed. Her anti-social attitude was well below the average. Most importantly, every scale contradicted that any anger was within her. It was apparent that she would not hurt a fly and all tests supported it.
Dr. Geffner made a point to say that this was confirmatory bias. This bias was inherent in Dr. DeMarte’s testimony as clarified by the contradictory results.
Juan Martinez objected regularly throughout the day. In some cases, they were based on relevance and in others, they were based on the long-winded narratives that Dr. Geffner would break into. I could see Juan Martinez occasionally jotting notes down, the top of his pen danced along a legal pad. He was building his hit list for cross examination.
“Let us take a look at Exhibit Number 842,” Jennifer Willmott directed authoritatively. “In these statements from the restaurant she worked for, The Purple Plum, she had started there in May of 2008 as a bartender. She left July 8, 2008 after she was arrested. The statements tell us that she was not after all the men. Instead, they say that she would oftentimes be distracted and unfocused. People she worked with always had to get her attention. What does this tell you in its contradictory nature?”
The Doctor turned his chair to the jury. “You see, she was clearly suffering the effects of PTSD. There’s a disassociation that is common with this disorder.”
Jennifer Willmott was interchanging exhibits on the projector for everyone to see. Her fingernail polish could be seen briefly as she straightened each document. “What is your assessment on the statement of her employer, Gary Brinkman, who states that when she worked there at seventeen years-old, she was bright and bubbly. Yet, the second time she worked there in April of 2008, she had no emotion and was flat. What do attribute the behavioral change to?”
“It is certainly a disassociation related to her trauma of domestic violence,” Dr. Geffner answered. He was very self-assured in his diagnosis.
Jennifer Willmott spoke of Arturo Rodriguez of Caso Ramos saying Jodi Arias was hired as a bartender and she was very sad. He is also a Pentecostal Pastor from Mexico City. He always felt she wanted to cry. She showed no particular interest in men.
“Doesn’t that contradict what Dr. DeMarte claimed?” Willmott asked.
“Absolutely,” the Doctor agreed.
I watched the jury as Jennifer Willmott and the Doctor went about their business. The jurors did not look comfortable. One juror was picking at her cuticles absentmindedly. I watched another juror who was looking down. He was immobile and I wondered if he was asleep. He was not. Another juror looked like she was intently drawing something because during the multiple sidebars, she continued to stay intent in her lap. I watched another move uncomfortably in his seat.
Jennifer Willmott put up another exhibit. She was discussing how nice Jodi Arias was at The Purple Plum and how she was never inappropriate, another contradiction she had said pointedly. I wonder how many jurors noticed the statement regarding her behavior of a work schedule change and her kicking a hole in the wall.
The confirmatory bias was no longer working in the defense team’s favor. Somewhere in the drudgery of the repeated testimony of Dr. Geffner, the tables did turn. Somehow, the defense team had managed, through repeated contradictory statements, to drive home the point that Jodi Arias was almost a person that one should empathize with. There was a great sadness in her lack of emotion. It was almost as if she were blessed by the Virgin Mary herself with an enumeration of her angelic qualities.
“Did you take note that Dr. DeMarte accepts Travis Alexander’s statements as true?” Jennifer Willmott asked at one point.
“Yes, I did.”
“Did you consider the source of these statements?”
“These statements were mostly based on Travis Alexander’s roommates and friends.”
“Isn’t that confirmatory bias?”
“Absolutely,” he answered. “To ignore statements from all sides is misleading. It is not appropriate and not the way a forensic evaluation should be done.”
“Do you want to look at Exhibit Number 615 with me?” Willmott asked Geffner.
“Sure,” he eagerly agreed.
Jennifer Willmott read from the large screen in front of the jury. “Regan Housley, in a Gmail chat to Travis Alexander, refers to Jodi Arias as scary and crafty. Do you see that?”
“I do.”
“Regan mentions that Jodi Arias figured out Travis’ password. How is this important?”
The Doctor swings his chair toward the jury as he has done all day. The jury does not look to be in rapt attention. “This is an example of all the evidence coming from Travis Alexander. He is the one who told her about the password and he is the one telling Regan Housley that Miss Arias is scary. This only shows that he was manipulative for the benefit of himself.”
“This is contradictory to what Dr. DeMarte says, isn’t it?”
“It sure is. None of us can say physical or mental abuse occurred. This only comes from the defendant. But, we have supporting statements that we must consider. I have thirty five years of experience and sixteen thousand pages of study I did that confirms both child abuse existed as well as domestic violence with Travis Alexander.”
I notice that nobody in the jury has been taking notes for what seemed like hours.
Dr. Geffner was talking to the jury. “Dr. DeMarte does not have the experience to know what research is. I’ve had over thirty years of going to conferences and being on committees. I have always been aware of current research in areas of domestic violence and abuse,” he boasted.
Suddenly, something started beeping from the media area of the courtroom. Dr. Geffner stopped speaking and everyone looked toward the offending area as the room went silent. Randy, the Bailiff, got up and walked half way over. I did not want to be the guy whose stuff went off in the middle of court and chose not to look that way and embarrass anyone further. The sound stopped and court resumed.
Dr. Geffner continued. “Dr. DeMarte does not know the names of any journals. Journals are where current research is posted. All she can mention are some articles she might have read but nothing comes from journals. The editors are friends of mine and her lack of knowledge is dangerous,” he said confidently.
The moment the afternoon took a drive even further south was when Jennifer Willmott put up the beautifully crafted graph of all the girls that Travis Alexander had spoken with simultaneously over a period of time. Each girl’s name was listed with her own designated color of red, yellow, blue, green and a host of other rainbow colors. Its beauty was only overshadowed by its lack of value.
Somewhere in the monotony of the dialogue between Dr. Geffner and Jennifer Willmott, the wheel of power and control emerged, a sight the jury remembered from a month ago. It was a tedious and long drive back into the blood spatter that remained of Travis Alexander’s reputation after it got thrown into the street again. The jury was tired of that long and winding road of rehashed speculations.
The dynamic of the jury is changing because they are tired of the length of the trial. Not one thought that this would extend into the spring of their lives. It was becoming a time of restlessness not only for length but for the pink elephant that sat in the defendant’s chair. They did not want to hear from another doctor. They wanted to hear from the person wearing a white top with tan pants.
No one from the court can tell them she is not getting back on the stand. They are wondering when she is coming back up. Everything they are hearing has become white noise to them. They want and beg for evidence to sway them one way or another and the only one in the room that can do that is the defendant.
I have sat in the presence of Dr. DeMarte and I can comfortably say that despite what evidence was revisited, there is very little that will change their minds on how they feel about Dr. DeMarte. She has been the only person to explain why Arias committed such a vicious and cold-hearted, evil crime. She painted a picture of a woman who, by having a vacant hole in her soul, had learned to take the personality of the mate she was with. Within that disorder, something made her seething mad. In that anger, that has been vehemently denied by her defense team, she premeditatedly killed and did it in a vicious manner.
The jury is restless because they are not receiving answers. They are being drawn an image of an angel while the brutal death of Travis Alexander stares in their face. The story they are being told does not match the image of the victim’s death and what a prior jury decided. The defense team has not qualified this death with supporting mitigating factors. Her actions are contradictory to the picture that the defense has created.
The jury has its own confirmatory bias in that another jury has given them two verdicts. There is only one verdict left for this jury to decide and its simplicity is in the decision for life or death for the defendant.
It will bother the jury that somebody claimed she had no anger inside. The Doctor spoke of puzzle pieces fitting together. This piece does not fit. It is clearly an expression of anger left in the remains of Travis Alexander.
I watch the family of Travis Alexander as they sit in the front row. They are strong and resolute in their determination to see this trial through. They are as tired as the jury is in hearing the stories and speculation from an affable Doctor. They are patient and they carry themselves strong.
It will not be long from now that the jury will realize that Arias is not coming back to the stand to take ownership of the crime and to show remorse. They will be denied the opportunity to hear the rest of the story from the killer.
It is the defense team’s greatest mistake and it will not be realized until the discussion of twelve jurors echo off the walls of the deliberation room.
The task would come to fruition not too far down the road and the defendant’s fate will soon follow…

“Every good relationship that develops as a result of this Trial is the
manifestation of the Spirit of Travis Alexander.”
Justice 4 Travis Alexander…
Justice for Dale…
Paul A. Sanders, Jr.
The 13th Juror @The13thJurorMD (Twitter)
“Brain Damage: A Juror’s Tale” available on:
Available in: Paperback. This is the true story of The Hammer Killing Trial.On January 14, 2009, at approximately 2:36 AM, Marissa DeVault put a hammer in her husband's head, Dale Harrell, multiple times. Was Dale Harrell