Saturday, February 7, 2015

Letter to Mr. Juan Martinez, AZ Maricopa County Prosecutor:-- By: Edie Morse

Letter to Mr. Juan Martinez, AZ Maricopa County Prosecutor:--
Please know that there are many conscientious citizens who share an enormous admiration and respect for you. Your fight for the rights of the victims as you continue to prosecute the most heinous, depraved, and cruel murderers akin to Jodi Arias and Bryan Wayne Husley is greatly appreciated. We thank you for making sure that these sadistic and violent killers are not free to inflict further misery upon innocent citizens.
Also, from a personal standpoint, please allow me to state that I do not believe for a single moment, the malicious allegations made by Jodi Arias, a cunning & manipulative sociopath, nor her unethical "win-at-all-cost" defense attorneys, that the State or the Police engaged in any "misconduct". Such a frivolous & dishonest motion argued yesterday in the Oral Hearing by Kirk Nurmi simply is unsubstantiated by the facts. And, in my opinion, it is disgraceful that Judge Sherry Stephens (JSS) has demonstrated such an unprofessional bias on behalf of the brutal butcher of Travis Alexander, such that she has permitted Arias, Nurmi, Willmott, and their criminal cohorts posing as "witnesses" to defraud the Court.
1. Firstly, "porn" has nothing to do with any mitigating factor. Ergo, Nurmi is claiming that it's the "mishandling" of "computer evidence" which renders the "porn" to be relevant:-- but that's an appellate issue, not a mitigation issue. Yet, JSS has permitted him to plant the idea in the minds of the jurors that Travis Alexander is depraved-- when there is no proof that the victim actually watched any of this "porn." All indications are that Travis Alexander did not want that slime on his computer. In my opinion, Jodi Arias planted the "porn" on Travis Alexander's computer-- for she frequently would break into his house via the doggy-door, and also, she hacked into his bank account stealing his money, and also, she hacked into his social media accounts. Jodi Arias faked forged pedophile letters to use to viciously frame Travis Alexander for non-existent pedophilia, because she thought that inciting hatred of the victim would be her ticket to freedom. Jodi Arias illegally taped a "sex-tape" without the express written or verbal consent from the victim. Jodi Arias confessed to taking naked pictures of herself and such nude pictures were something that she had on his camera-- it was downloaded onto his computer at one time-- and, perhaps onto her own (but, "conveniently", Jodi Arias destroyed her own laptop computer, after having brutally slaughtered Travis Alexander). Jodi Arias was more likely to watch porn on his computer than was Travis Alexander. Moreover, even "Pseudonym Smith" admits that Travis Alexander cleaned his computer often-- there is nothing suspicious about that-- I clean my computer every day, and I don't watch "porn"-- I do so in order to make my computer run faster. Travis Alexander wanted to keep slime off of his computer, just as he wanted to keep Jodi Arias out of his life, once he discovered that she was a sadistic, narcissistic, selfish & self-absorbed liar, stalker, and violent abuser;
2. Secondly, there was no evidence of any "misconduct" whatsoever by the State or by the Mesa, AZ police:-- i.e. the 2009 copy of Travis Alexander's computer was identical to the 2008 hard-drive:-- that's the material point. Nurmi claims that the State testified that no "porn" was found on Travis Alexander's computer:-- that was the truth. "Porn" was found in the registers which shows history-- not downloaded onto his computer and kept. Is it honest to infer that Travis Alexander was a "porn"-watcher, without a shred of evidence, since such files were not kept by him? No-- it's a malicious inference, made to save the life of this craven convicted butcher. Moreover, it's a new-fangled tactic that the defense concocted because they did not do their homework prior to the guilt phase of the trial. The State did not stop or prevent them from doing their homework prior to 2013-- but, they didn't expect a 1st degree premeditated murder conviction. Nurmi bitches and moans that the State did not show him the "porn"-- but, nothing prevented JA & Co. from hiring experts to investigate that thoroughly prior to the guilt phase of the trial. And ergo, there is no "wrongdoing" by the State-- only incompetence by the defense. JSS never should have permitted JA & Co. to file this frivolous motion, in the first place-- but, she has become so close to the convicted murderer & her unethical defense team, that she is prepared to allow JA & Co. to run-amok and to malign the State, for what is essentially their own fraudulent attempt to construct a false "appeals" case, and to 'dry-run' it during what is supposed to be a re-trial, whereby only a "mitigation" case is supposed to be put forth. This is tantamount to judicial & defense misconduct, not prosecutorial misconduct;
3. Thirdly, yesterday, Nurmi quickly moved away from the topic of "Porn-Gate", because it is fraudulent and to muddy-the-waters, in order to blame the media & the COA decision for the fact that Jodi Arias can't get a "fair trial", when in fact, it was Jodi Arias herself, who thrust herself into the limelight in a manner that was shocking, even to sophisticated media reporters before, during, and, after her conviction. Jodi Arias has set-up a twitter account; social media pages; and her own web-sites! The media did not put on trial Jodi Arias-- and there is no credible evidence that any genuine death threats have been made against the convicted murderer or any of her charlatan-witnesses:-- in fact, the FBI & the AZ and CA State Police forces take death threats very seriously, and just as David Lee Simpson (a pro-Arias scumbag who was arrested for threatening the lives of Nancy Grace & JVM) was tracked down, so too would anybody who threatened the lives of any defendant, attorney, and/or witness. JA & Co. want the judge and jury to believe that Jodi Arias was tried in the "court of public opinion"-- but, she wasn't... If she had been, then the vast majority of the public would have voted for her to have gotten the Death Penalty in 2013. And, this sentencing phase would not have been allowed to have been dragged on for over a year-and-seven-months, due to the fact that JSS conducted highly questionable "ex-parte" meetings (not just one or two, but many) following the hung jury, in May 2013.
What did Jodi Arias get up to when she was wrongly granted her second "Pro Se" in August 2014 (she had already had "Pro Se" and changed her mind about it, in August 2011, and hence, JSS could have and should have refused her 2nd request)? What did Jodi Arias' Private Investigator Dorian Bond & Bryan Neumeister do to the clones/copies? What role, if any, has Maria "Smuggler' De La Rosa played in co-ordinating between Jodi Arias and various criminal cohorts (including, Marc McGee, the New Zealander, who has bragged on social media, so I've read, about his hatred of Travis Alexander, and that he would help Jodi Arias to destroy him and to get her off)? Why is Jodi Arias enjoying an "indigent" status, forcing the AZ taxpayers to foot the bill for this nightmarish fraud, when she has bragged on social media about all of the money she makes from selling her junk-"art" & donated by her brain-dead supporters?
Why has Jodi Arias been so coddled by JSS, with special favors that no other convicted murderer is granted? Does JSS not realize that Jodi Arias is not the first high-profile butcher who has faced the Death Penalty? Does JSS not realize that Jodi Arias is a pathological liar, manipulator, and brutal butcher who would kill again, for after all, she threatened to have you murdered if she gets the DP? Does JSS not realize that the US Constitution protects the rights of the victims as well as the defendant to reasonable speed and transparency in criminal trials? Why is JSS allowing JA & Co. to put on what amounts to an "appeals" case, retrying the original guilt phase, rather than a "mitigation' case? Why are unsubstantiated and unscrupulous mitigating factors allowed to creep in order to deceive & dupe the jurors?
Many of us know that Jodi Arias and her "win-at-all-costs" defense team are willing to lie, cheat, and otherwise deceive the Court in order to save her worthless life-- but, surely a sitting judge in the AZ Maricopa County Superior Court can do better than this... JSS has betrayed the public's trust, imo:-- The defense witness, Jodi Arias, unconstitutionally is allowed to testify in secret; defense witnesses are allowed to avoid answering questions & to commit perjury, whilst insulting & berating the prosecutor in violation of even a modicum of courtroom decorum; witnesses taken out-of-order, and Nurmi pulling a "bait-and-switch" by not informing the State who will testify (e.g. "Pseudonum Smith" replacing Bryan Neumeister, without prior notification); witnesses have been popping-in-and-out to avoid facing cross-examination, in order to create chaos and to confuse the jurors; trial proceedings delayed to deal with frivolous motions. Is this devised to give Jodi Arias the time to get herself into Judge Joseph Kreamer's Omnibus Hearing in February? Has that been their intent all along? This entire last year stinks of incompetence and corruption:-- but, not by the State... but instead, by JSS and JA & Co.

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