Sunday, February 15, 2015

Who is Maria De La Rosa going to target next for talking about her being very unprofessional?

What kind of professional teams up with a blogger that is known to be a shady person to address someone with what Maria and her attorney claims is a legal matter?  WHY on Earth is the Attorney that is "allegedly" retained by MDL allowing her and Sandra Webber to put her name out there like they are?  Does this attorney know what MDL and Sandra Webber are doing? anyone that thinks that this is the work of a professional.  It's well known that Sandra Webber gets some of the inside information that she posts from MDL.  People are going to talk about "shady people." Stop being shady and associating with "shady people" and people won't talk about you...period!  

The letter to Jason Webber.  

There's quite a few bloggers that talk about MDL shadiness aka unprofessionalism.  I've noticed that the two that MDL targeted to "take action against" are associated to businesses.  It makes me think that MDL is targeting people that she assumes that she can get money from.  By the words of Sandra Webber, in the first screen shot, it looks like Sandra Webber is trying to get in on the "prize."  

Is the author, Paul Sanders, the next target of Sandra Webber's and MDL's BS?  It's known that MDL recently LIED about an incident and tried to implicate Paul Sanders and others in what actually took place.

I find the BS that Sandra Webber and MDL do compelling!  It makes me wonder why they are honing in on people that are associated to a business and/or are professionals.  IMO, it's ALL about who has the money as to who becomes their target.  

Edie Morse Maria "Smuggler" De La Rosa is after everybody who has critizied her, and she is using Sandra "Fibber" Webber to try to intimidate those who are honestly reporting upon this nightmarish re-trial. Paul Sanders is also now their target:--

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